Wednesday 31 December 2014

Positive Self Talk in 2015

How to Master Positive Self Talk and Banish Negativity

Your inner critic doesn’t always need to be so harsh. You can be more compassionate and forgiving towards yourself by practicing positive self-talk. By Sarah Rogers
Like food is to the body, self-talk is to the mind. Don’t let any junk thoughts repeat in your head.” – Maddy Malhotra, Author
People think in words, and the words we say to ourselves can be either empowering or limiting, depending on what approach we take.
You’ve undoubtedly heard the expression you are your own worst critic, and for many of us, it’s true! While a little bit of self-criticism can be a good thing – by urging us to become a better person – there is a massive difference between saying, “I need to eat more vegetables” and “I’m a fat slob.”
Excessive self-criticism, in the form of negative self-talk leads us to focus on our failures and mistakes instead of the small things we could improve. These moments of negative self-talk, such as “I’m so stupid” or “I’m not good enough” are moments of self-destruction, which work to steal away our happiness and self-fulfillment.
When you practice negative self-talk, it can be truly damaging to your self-esteem and self-worth, and over time can be associated with higher levels of stress, unhappiness and even depression.
Positive self-talk is the opposite of self-destruction, and can be both a healing and empowering process. It is a dialogue that goes on in your mind, but also greatly affects your attitude and feelings of self worth. Positive self-talk is a space where you believe in yourself and are confident in your abilities.
How to master the art of positive self talk
The art of positive self-talk takes a lot of time and effort to practice effectively, and there are several things you need to know and do while you’re practicing it.
#1 You need to observe and assess the validity of what you’re saying to yourself. Over time, you will become better at seeing trends in triggers that cause your negative self-talk, and you’ll learn how to better deal with those. This observation of your self-talk will allow you to become aware of the thoughts you are having, and how they directly influence your emotions and actions. 
#2 You need to learn to reframe your thinking and give the negative thoughts a positive spin. Sometimes, this can be the most difficult part because it somehow feels fake. But, when you reframe your negative thoughts to something more positive, you don’t allow yourself the space for self-destruction.
#3 You need to be aware of absolutes such as “I always” and “I never”. These phrases tend to be harmful because they create an instant limitation of you and your ability to change and grow. Avoid absolutes when you’re practicing self-talk by questioning yourself. Ask yourself how you got to this thought, or what would be a better way to overcome this particular challenge. This questioning technique is more proactive, as it limits negative thoughts and allows you a variety of responses to choose from.
This last practice of replacement is crucial to limiting negative thoughts and encouraging positive self-talk. You need to learn to replace your negative self-talk messages with something positive, and empowering. Use gentle words to refer to yourself and to situations, and don’t limit yourself by using “I can’t” or “I’m not”.
The most common destructive things we tell ourselves
Below are five common self-destructive things we say to ourselves through negative self-talk, and examples of how we can work against them by replacing the negative messages with the art of positive self-talk.
#1 “You are so stupid, ugly, useless, etc.”
This is the critic inside you that can often be the loudest and most damaging. It can tear your self-esteem apart in a second, and kill any dream or goal you were thinking of achieving. It tells you you’re not good enough, and that you don’t deserve happiness and success. This critic denies individuals their own self-worth, and value. To combat this critical self-talk you can say the following positive self-talk internally or aloud, “I am worthwhile, valuable and more than enough! I can and will do great things.”
#2 “I can’t do it because I’m afraid of failure, embarrassment, responsibility, etc.”
This form of negative self-talk is based on fear and shame, and stops us from aspiring to try new things or take risks. We all have our fears, but in order to live life to the fullest – with excitement and happiness – we need to take action instead of remaining unproductively frozen in time. Instead of saying I can’t, you should instead switch to a positive form of self-talk such as “I have the courage to act even though I am afraid.”
#3 “Why does this always happen to me?”
This negative self-talk practice is that of the victim. While we might not have control over everything that happens in our lives, we can control how we respond to these situations and challenges. If you choose the attitude of the victim, you are relying on someone else to provide your own happiness. You should instead change your self-talk to something along the lines of “I have the ability to make the most of every situation. This will pass.” 
#4 “I wish I had what other people have.”
This negative self-talk stems from jealously, but we should always remember that envy is exhausting, and can leave us feeling empty and alone. It’s much better to be thankful for what you do have and say, “I am lucky! I have what I need, and I’m working towards what I want!” 
#5 “I will never forgive this person for doing that!”
This negative voice is the un-forgiver, which can turn your mind, body and soul bitter from the inside out. Forgiving others and yourself is one of the most liberating things you can do! Instead of focusing on what you cannot forgive, focus on what you can and say, “I cannot control their actions, but I can control my own and choose to forgive …”
Perfection is overrated, here’s why…
Ultimately you need to embrace the fact that you are not, and will never be perfect. It’s extremely freeing when you stop holding yourself to unachievable standards. Perfectionism is destructive, and does not always guarantee success or happiness. People learn the most when they mess up and try again. So, it’s important to relax your standards, and give yourself the same empathy you’d give a friend. When you do this it will be easier to challenge the negative self-talk and focus more on positive messages.
We admitted that we’re often our own worst critics. Yet, now is the time to modify that rule. While we are creatures of habit, and easily fall into patterns of self-destructive thoughts and behaviors, we need to switch it up. Instead of continuing to be our own worst critics, we need to teach ourselves to be our own personal support system. We need to respect ourselves, and never say anything that we wouldn’t want another person to say to us.
While challenging your negative inner voice, and practicing the art of positive self-talk can take time to get used to, eventually your mind will catch on. Your efforts will pay off in the form of strong self-esteem and respect for yourself and your abilities. It won’t happen overnight, but the more effort you put into replacing those negative thoughts with positive self-talk, the better you will feel about yourself. 
By practicing positive self talk constantly and continuously, you’ll find that the things you tell yourself will branch out towards your personality and the way you deal with obstacles along the way. Be more compassionate towards yourself, and you’ll see the many positive changes this will bring you.

Monday 8 December 2014

Quinn Visiting Vancouver - Dec 12 to 14

Our lovely Quinn moved very far away but is traveling back to #Vancouver for the weekend of
Dec 12-14. If you would like to have a session with Quinn while she is here, please give our office a call or fill out a House Call Request form. She is a delight! #intimate #sensual #disabled #massage

Click here to see Quinn's profile


Tuesday 2 December 2014

Amelie Returns to Vancouver!

Welcome back Amelie!

We are really happy to tell you that Amelie has returned to Vancouver and will be with us for about six months. Amelie is from Europe and is a wonderful #sensualcoach.  She speaks English fluently. We know you would enjoy her company and her experience. Very lovely, friendly, and sweet 22 year old.

If you have a physical challenge, #disability, or impairment and you would like to learn more about your sexual health, please call on us. We are here to assist you to live a full life regardless of any challenge.


Monday 17 November 2014

Mei-Lee: Our newest Sensual Coach


We have just hired a lovely young Asian-Canadian woman to be our newest #sensual coach. Her name is Mei-Lee and she is a sweet treat! Mei-Lee is available for couples, men, and women and welcomes all LGBT clients too. She is available for the greater Vancouver area and also Whistler!  604-569-1136

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Facilitated Sex: The Next Frontier in Sexuality and Disability

Wow - what a interesting story about PCAs (personal care aides) and sex facilitation for adults with disabilities.  Dr. Mitchell Tupper's blog will open your eyes to perhaps several levels of discussion about sex:

- the pressure for disabled adults to have intercourse - is it really necessary? is it worth it?
- the religious aspect of the PCA's beliefs and the guilt/shame/embarrassment. Can it be balanced?
- the ethical/moral code to accommodate sexual health of the disabled. For or against?

Let me know what you think....

Click on the link to read the article:

Saturday 1 November 2014

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Happy Hallowe'en! Trick or Treat?

Do you remember your childhood Halloweens?

#Halloween is my favourite event of the year. There is something awesome about dressing up and getting free candy! And imagination - you had to have imagination to put together your outfit.  Today, you just shell out a few bucks at Value Village and presto! Your #pirate costume is ready.

A few times in my childhood I was ill with tonsillitis or a cold and so pissed that I couldn't go out. This was very depressing. I'm not sure if it was the loss of free candy or the missing of the spotlight as I paraded around in my best Raggedy Ann or evil Witch  #costume. As the years passed, the celebration of Halloween never got tired or dull.  The costumes got crazier and sexier.... nowadays it seems like everyone wants to dress up like a stereotypical #prostitute or drag queen. Human behaviour is remarkably and inextricably tied to sex.  Even the kids' costumes are being criticized for being too sexual.

All Hallow's Eve - the night before All Saints Day.  What a dichotomy!  If you want to get your freak on, give us a call and we'll be happy to 'trick or treat' with you!  604-569-1136

Tuesday 21 October 2014

People with disabilities love sex too!

Don't Count Us Out: People with Disabilities Love Sex Too

  • What's your disability? 
  • How were your injured? 
  • How do you deal with your difficult situations?  

While these are all popular questions people disabilities hear, none of these are more popular than the question most of us get the most -- can you still have sex?  

Yes that's right, the masses love to wonder this.
And the answer to this tantalizing question- we can, thank god but it's usually a bit different. But different doesn't necessarily equate to bad. Even though some people get freaked out by different, a lot of people don't. The average able-bodied person would definitely be surprised at how many people are ok getting it on with someone who is disabled.

It can be quite the interesting adventure when dating and meeting new people. It can get quite funny or offensive, depending on how you look at it.  When I first became sexually active it was a bit later in life and just like everybody's first time, it wasn't that good.  Memorable yes, but good? Hell no.

For people with disabilities, we too dream of the perfect sexual rendezvous, trying to replicate something we saw in a porno, just like everyone else.  It just takes a bit more muscle power and creative thinking when you're dealing with limited mobility to make that happen.

For a lot of us, achieving great sex isn't necessarily about reaching the big orgasm either.  It's about everything before that - the intimacy, the kissing, the looks into each others eyes - we have to learn to be a little bit slower and more calculated since our mobility isn't as fluid.  While this can sometimes put a damper on eager partners, the right one will enjoy the process.  It's incredibly important to find a partner who enjoys learning and figuring out solutions when you have a disability.  A partner with no patience is no fun.
People with disabilities even go online for the random hookup. I'm not condoning this, but it does happen. Most would be very surprised at how many people with disabilities are posting ads on Craigslist at this very moment and it's not because we are all desperate.  Many people with disabilities have great success picking up people when they're at bars or out and about.  I've seen it with my own eyes.

We're successful when we're confident. It's normal for people with disabilities to have lowered confidence, but once we find out we can still be perceived as sexy, for many that's all we need to find the confidence we were searching for.  It's important for people with disabilities though to try not to compete with able-bodied people when it comes to all the crazy sexual moves. For many of us, complicated positions will never be possible.  We instead have to find ways to bring out the best in the simpler moves, to enjoy it more simpler things in bed and this can be quite fun too.

We're all human at the end of the day, with hormones and genitals, and lips and fantasies. Sex is a God given right to all of us, even if some of us struggle to find partners.  We can't put our desires on hold if it makes people uncomfortable. Instead, each and every one of us needs to learn how to embrace our sexuality before it's too late.  Sex is one of the greatest gifts of life no matter how different we do it.

How do you still enjoy sex?

Tiffiny Carlson is a writer and quadriplegic from Minneapolis. She has a C6 spinal cord injury from a diving accident when she was 14 years old. Writing and breaking stereotypes is her passion.

Monday 20 October 2014

Nico to Visit Victoria BC - Oct 20 to Oct 23

Hey there Victoria, BC:

Would you like to experience an intimacy session with a Sensual Coach?  We assist adults with physical disabilities to explore, arouse, and ignite your brain's pleasure centers.  Your physical disability has no bearing on whether you can experience pleasure or not.  With a little imagination, you could be enjoying a whole lot of fun - wink wink nudge nudge - know what I mean, know what I mean? (think Monty Python)

Nico is a fantastic soul who has worked with many people with disabilities.  Super sexy, very friendly, and available for three days from Oct 20 - 23.  So.... if you'd like a House Call to remember, give us a call and let's get your appointment booked.

BC's capital city is in for a real treat.  Please call us or email us if you need further information or assistance.  We're here to help.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Working With A Surrogate

When working with a Sensual Coach, they focus on eye contact, hugging, cuddling, massage and touch therapy, exploring their body and yours.  With this intimacy work, you can gain insights to your own pleasure and increase the brain's pleasure chemical - dopamine.  Its very good for your mood and overall wellbeing. Throughout your sessions, Coaches hope to ease anxiety and help you gain confidence with your body and your sexuality. 

The biggest obstacle is our brains.  We often hold back due to those negative thoughts that we've carried with us about body image and what's "normal."  And yet its our brain that receives the greatest benefit from intimacy and touch. Go figure.

If you know of someone with a physical disability who would like to experience intimacy, please give us a call.  No obligation.

Give us a cuddle!

Friday 29 August 2014

How to Stare at Boobs Without Getting Caught

Bummer!  Summer is winding down. As we say goodbye to another fantastic Vancouver summer, we also say 'thank you' to all those wonderful ladies who keep us on our toes and practicing the "look but don't get caught" moves.

How to Stare at a Girl’s Cleavage (from


What are the Do’s and Don’ts of staring at a girl’s breasts or at her cleavage? Here’s your complete guide to staring at a woman’s breasts without ever getting caught. Learn how you can stare down a gorgeous girl’s blouse without making her uncomfortable or pissing her off.

Unfortunately for men, staring at women’s shirts is as involuntary as a knee jerk. We do want to look at women and see their assets, but it’s all about doing it well, and in such a way that she doesn’t get offended or uncomfortable.
You’re not her guy, so what makes you think she’ll be happy to flash her breasts at you without feeling uncomfortable, unless you picked her off the red street.

Checking out some girl’s cleavage or her breasts is not bad, especially if you think it’s attractive. It’s all about the way you go about staring at it that makes all the difference.

There are a few do’s and don’ts that you should follow to pull off the perfect heist of staring at a girl’s cleavage and walking out of it happily clean!

I know it’s hard to resist staring at a woman’s breasts while you’re talking to her. You wait for a moment to catch a glimpse and you can’t hear anything other than, “look down… look down… look down…” It can be really distracting, especially if she’s revealing a bit of her cleavage.
But you have to hold on. If you really have to look down at a girl’s cleavage, do it when she’s looking away for some reason. That’s the best thing to do, because you get a little sneak peek and she gets to talk to you without feeling uncomfortable. You may think you got away with staring in the middle of a conversation, but remember, a woman is extremely conscious of her body, and trust me, if you look down, she’ll know!

First of all, before we go ahead, I want you to know that I respect women, a lot! I can’t stand a guy who tries messing with a girl, especially when she feels threatened. A few weeks ago, I was standing in line to buy a couple of tickets for a movie. There was this old guy who must have been in his 60′s who was grinning and staring blatantly at the breasts of two girls standing in front of me who were probably still in school!

The girls started to freak out because of his dirty stares, and the whole staring bit was just pathetic. Involuntarily, I yelled out to him, and asked him what his age was. He tried retaliating, but by then, most of the others who were feeling just as uncomfortable joined in, and he eventually had to walk out without his tickets, but with a lot of embarrassment.

If you’re trying to figure what I’m trying to say here, all I’m trying to get into your head is, if you’re over 30 and haven’t figured out how to stare at a woman’s cleavage discreetly, give it up. And if your idea of sex is something that would land you in jail, then see a therapist. We’re trying to have a good time staring at a woman’s tee shirt, but not at their expense!

Wear sunglasses, especially the darker ones. What they don’t know won’t hurt them. If you want to have a good time trying to stare at a girl’s breasts, then use your shades. It’s a win-win situation.

Son of a guns who stare at a woman while feeling themselves up or staring like they want the woman right there can be really threatening and gross, especially on a lonely street. If there is no reciprocation from the woman, stop trying to focus hard below the neck. Look at her for a millisecond, and move on. There’s no need to behave like a psycho pervert.

Now this is a delicate subject. To you, an hour of staring at a girl’s breasts may seem like a few minutes or even seconds, but it feels terrible for a girl who doesn’t think you’re fanciable or attractive. And how much would her breasts change in an hour anyways. Just a small glance, and nothing more than that. Remember, if you’re having fun at her expense, you’re a pervert and a sadist who should be buried alive!

Have you ever had a friend who goes crazy when he walks into a club, and just can’t take his eyes off any girl out there? He just wants to stare, fantasize, and ogle at all their assets until his tongue drools and drops off the side of his mouth. To him it’s fun. To the women, he’s going to die a virgin! Don’t be that guy.

Follow these simple tips when you stare at a girl’s breasts or her cleavage, and you can make this world a better place.

9 Things Sex Experts Want You to Know Things Sex Experts Want You to Know

Great article!

Monday 9 June 2014

Vancouver Island - Clients Wanted!

Vancouver Island!

If you are a disabled adult and would like to experience your sexuality with a respectful Sensual Coach, then please give us a shout! 

Our coach, Nico, will be visiting the Island from June 28 - July 6 and is available for appointments.  Nico is a beautiful young lady who sees males, females, couples (straight or gay). We have received awesome feedback about her service and knowledge.  Feel free to call us or go to our website for more information. 

Happy Summer!

Friday 25 April 2014

Sex Coach to Visit Calgary in June

Calgary Here We Come!  One of our sensual coaches - the gorgeous Paloma - will be visiting Calgary in June.  We will have more info in the coming weeks.  Check out our website and learn more about #sensualsolutions and #disabledsex.  Let's get it on....

Paloma in Calgary this June!  604-569-1136

Thursday 17 April 2014


Thanks to our client feedback, we have now added Interac e-transfer banking as a payment option.

Convenient, secure, private. If you can’t get to your bank, then e-transfer may be a great solution for a Sensual Solution? 
Check out our website!

Monday 14 April 2014

Tuesday 1 April 2014


It's the topic that everyone loves to chat about but still remains a mystery to many of us.  Sex and sexual health is a gift.  Each one of us has the means with which to pleasure ourselves or someone else.  And - here's some great benefits you need to know: 

Your brain will thank you!
1. Having sex relieves headaches. Every time you make love, it releases the tension in the veins of the brain.

2.  A lot of sex can clear the stuffy nose. Sex is a natural antihistamine. It helps to fight against asthma and spring allergies.

3. Making love is a spectacular beauty treatment. Scientists have discovered that when a woman has sex, it produces a large amount of estrogen that gives shine and softness to hair.

4. Sex is one of the safest sports. Making love often strengthens the muscles of male and female body. It's more enjoyable than swimming 20 laps in the pool and there is no need for special shoes! 

5. Making love slowly, smoothly and in a relaxed way reduces the chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and acne. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow .

6 . Lovemaking can burn all the calories you have accumulated during the romantic dinner before bedtime.

7. Sex is a divine remedy for depression. It releases endorphins into the bloodstream , creating a state of euphoria and leaving women and men with the feeling of being unique.

8. Sex is the tranquilizer and muscle relaxant to a safer world. It is a thousand times more effective than Valium.

9. The sexually active body releases more pheromones. 

10. Kissing each day will give you more time away from the dentist. Kissing is an art which makes the teeth cleaner and saliva reduces the amount of acid that causes tooth decay.
This prevention eliminates many problems, in addition to offering a breath constantly renewed!


If you or a loved one is isolated from intimate touch due to a physical disability, contact us for more info and help:   

Click here to go to our website
Or call 604-569-1136

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Sex and Disability Go Together?

Article from The Guardian by Fran Vicary:

Sex and disability: yes, the two can and should go together

My disability means I cannot independently dress, shower or feed myself – but with support, I can have a fulfilling sexual life. I wish more people with a disability could say the same

‘My support workers would squeeze me into spunky corsets and fishnets’. Photograph: Sarah Lee
Sex and sexuality are very contested spaces for people with disabilities. Services, governments, support workers and even the best, most forward thinking parents often see it as a bridge too far. Many people with disabilities are supported in every other aspect of their lives, but this is often delivered in a way that treats them as asexual.

Almost every person with a disability can tell you of a time when they sought to express themselves sexually, only to be thwarted by those around them. It happened to me. I have cerebral palsy from birth, and my physical disability means I cannot independently dress, shower, feed myself or do any fine motor tasks. I can, however, socialize independently, speak my mind, study, work and pay taxes.

As a young adult I was living in rural North Queensland, working at TAFE and having a fling with a moderately important, intelligent public servant. I had sorted out contraception and succeeded in dating this person to the “interested” stage, only to find out that my usually accepting family could not even entertain the idea. They rang me and said “no, no, no”. They rang my boss’ mother-in-law, who rang her daughter, who rang her husband, who said to me “they think you’re going to get some”. They even rang the interested person to discuss it.

If it wasn’t so perverse, it would be funny.
My mother was the only one who moderately supported me and called my sisters off their hyper-protection of my virginity, but even she didn’t really know what to do next.

As I’m a fairly independent and determined person, I wasn’t going to take this thwarting of my sexuality quietly. I took my hard-won individual support package funding and set off to lead an independent life. I was lucky. I had support, could live in a regular apartment, and had the academic credits and nous to see a PhD as an exit-strategy from the asexual, country Queensland wasteland to the bountiful fruit garden of a capital city and university campus.

There was a lingering concern. I was a 30 year old virgin, and my medically-trained sister had led me to believe my bits might not work. So I used the yellow pages to get a nice man in a suit to come and relieve me of that worrisome cherry.

After that, it was game on. There was a hot and heavy long term multi-night stand with a person I’d known in the sector for years (just in case you find this suspicious, I should add that he had not been involved in delivering any disability services to me for years).

All this while, I had fabulous support workers. They’d cook dinners; squeeze me into spunky corsets and fishnets, refilled my condom purse. I did have one worker who got squeamish at putting lip balm on my nipples. I helped her by getting her to put it on my finger, so I could apply it myself (I sense my audience getting a bit uncomfortable here, thinking they don’t want to read details – but they are important, because you need to know that I cannot dress or feed myself – so support is an important part of helping my life to unfold).

I also took to social media to invent the persona of a sexually intriguing woman who just happened to not dress, feed or cook for herself, yet managed to live alone and have a number of random, casual sexual encounters. It was a space in which I had power and agency, where I could put trust in strangers. You can find out a lot about men and how they will treat a woman when they let their guard down because they want to walk in your secret garden. It’s easy to weed out the weirdos and not give them details.

I was the goddess of my own sexual kingdom, and knights came to court me. Through the internet I met the engineer, the logistics person, the skater boy, the young builder who bought us pizza, the Greek guy who took his wedding ring off ...

The reaction of my support workers was also very interesting. Even when they were committed Christians, like one young woman was, they seemed to value me – the whole person – over their own beliefs. This young woman, who sneezed so quietly and delicately that Freud would have been concerned, gave me dinner one night before I was set to meet someone and made me solemnly vow that I would “call her if I needed her”.

This thoroughly enlightened attitude begs the questions: if a committed Christian could honour and support my sexuality, why do so many people try to deny it? Why don’t we facilitate sexual contact for people with disabilities? And why are we so prudish about sex in general?

These are crucial questions that society must address if people with disabilities are to exercise their full human rights. Governments need to stop making “safeguarding” laws that effectively limit the sexual opportunities of people with disabilities. In some states of Australia, it is an offence to have sexual relations with a person who has “an impairment of the mind”, rendering many people with disabilities celibate.

Solicitation laws need to permit support to be given to people with disabilities who require assistance to negotiate and organise the services of sex workers. Service providers and direct care/support workers need to be less prudish, and start respecting the privacy and desirous needs of people with disabilities. And families need to understand that children with disabilities grow into adults who have the full range of adult physical and sexual needs.

Friday 14 March 2014

Go Green This St. Paddy's Day!

St Paddy's Day Irish Beauty
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Are you getting your sham-rocked? Its a weekend of pure green fun whether it be #greenbeer or Micky D's green shakes or participating in #CelticFestival - there's lots of ways to show your Irish spirit!

Here's to the land of #leprechauns, pots of gold, and 4-leaf clovers.  May the wind be always at your back.... We salute all you Irish blooded wee folk!

Tuesday 11 March 2014

More Medals for Canadian Paralympic Athletes!

Congrats Team Canada!

More medals and great achievements by our visually-impaired athletes.  #proudtobecanadian

Sensual Solutions is an organization committed to human rights advocacy and sex education for physically challenged adults.  We offer access to sexual health info and experiences.  Elevate your life today!

Friday 7 March 2014

#Paralympics Begin Today in Sochi Russia

Pictures of today's opening ceremonies:

Beautiful opening ceremonies today! Go Canada - We Believe! #webelieve #paralympics

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Visit Our Booth - Abilities Expo - April 14

Abilities Expo - Monday, April 14
#Roundhouse Community Centre
Vancouver, BC

We hope to see you at #ConnecTra Society's 2014 Abilities Expo on Monday, April 14, 12:30pm - 4:30pm.  Look for the Sensual Solutions booth and come by and say hello!  See what we are all about - ask your questions, and meet some of the Sensual Coaches and #surrogates.

Mark your calendar for this lively trade show.

Click here to take you to the ConnecTra events page

Thursday 27 February 2014

Does Yelp! Help?

We now have a business profile on Yelp!  Its super hard to find the right category for a group of sexy ladies who love to give erotic touch and sensual coaching to #disabled adults.  So, we are under Adult Entertainment, Health Services - Home Care, and Education - Tutors.  Woo hoo - you'll not find a more delicious tutor....   Check us out!

Our Yelp! Profile

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Documentary In The Works!

Thank you Emily and John from #BCIT #Journalism program for helping to spread the word about the rights of disabled adults!  Good luck with your #CBC Student Journalism Contest!

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Welcome to Sensual Solutions

Welcome to Sensual Solutions.  604-569-1136

Our goal is to assist adult disabled men, women, and couples with resources and education that promote positive sexual health.

Do you feel something's missing in your life? Wake up your sensual energy and reinvent intimacy for yourself.  We can help.  

Who are our clients?
Adults living with any of the following challenges:
  • spinal cord injury - sci
  • multiple sclerosis
  • cerebral palsy
  • muscular distrophy
  • ALS
  • Parkinson's
  • stroke
What are our services?
  • We focus on education, coaching, hands-on healing, erotic energy work, massage, sacred healing, and more... 
  • We can help you retrain or rewire new connections between body and brain through sensual touch.
  • We guide you in erotic explorations that develop your skills, enrich your life, and expand your consciousness.
  • Your brain will thank you!

Click Here for Website
